While i still need to take a more detailed look at the sample loading and electronics for the Packard 1000 TR Liquid Scintillation Analyser i thought i would do a quick update listing out the total haul from this.
So the analyser itself was bought off ebay from a seller local to me so there was no shipping, which would have been a problem otherwise due to it's weight any shipping costs would have been a problem.
I salvaged:
- 1* 5000v AC power supply.
- 2* Hammamatsu R331 Photomultiplier tubes.
- 1* Dual channel adjustable photomultiplier power supply.
- 1* Radioactive source for my collection.
- 1* 2*40 LCD Module
- 64Kg Lead for recycling @ today's price it's just under £1.00 per Kg. I saved about 20Kg for myself so i can store my radioactive samples.
- Approx 10kg of other recyclable metals; steel, aluminium & brass.
Hopefully over this coming weekend i will be able to finish looking at the electronics and that sample load/unload mechanism. Though i dont expect to find anything more salvageable.